Re-occupying Buildings following Lockdown

Re-occupying Buildings following Lockdown at TSS Facilities

As the lockdown eases, businesses are starting to bring staff back to their work premises and in doing so they must be aware of actions that need to be taken for the safety of everyone entering the buildings; as the Covid virus remains active. Most of us are aware these days of the transmission routes through tactile and air borne means, and so prior to returning to work premises, building owners/occupiers/managers have a legal responsibility to undertake Risk Assessments in order to ensure a safe working environment for their staff and visitors.

This is evident as we see enhanced cleaning regimes, staggered working hours, social distancing, oneway systems through offices and the like, being undertaken, however, just as important are measures to reduce the spread of airborne particles as they can travel long distances, have been known to remain airborne for a number of hours and can remain active for up to two to three days.

Airborne particles can spread through Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, therefore as part of the Risk Assessment, consideration should be given to assessing these systems together with their operating regimes in order to mitigate the risk of spread through buildings.

As a leading Facilities Management Company; TSS Facilities, based in Brighton are offering a free one-hour presentation via online means or at their Training Centre, to advise how to assess various systems and to make practical changes that will reduce risk of virus particle spread in your building.

Julian Brunnock, HVAC Specialist at TSS Facilities adds: 

“As every building is different, with various systems and services, in can seem quite daunting from an Owner/Occupier point of view in terms of where to start. We have collated recommendations from the leading industry bodies within our sector, in conjunction with current Government Guidelines and summarised all the key points in our presentation.”

Stuart Noakes from MHA Carpenter Box who attended the course says:

“It was well worth the time, as I have come away with a clear plan of what we need to do next as we move to re-occupy our building. Although some of the content was quite technical, it was presented in an easy to understand manner and I’d say that if you are responsible for the health and safety of your staff, this is a really insightful view into HVAC Services and how simple changes can reduce the potential spread of the virus”

Stuart Noakes

Partner and Head of Tax Services at MHA Carpenter Box

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TSS Facilities has no call centres or automated robot messaging. Our friendly, professional and reliable staff are always happy to receive any enquiry to discuss your needs or provide advice for your air conditioning units. 

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